Kid smiling as he holds a plush doll

DIY Wolf Tail

Kid smiling as he holds a plush doll

Your kids don’t have to wait until Halloween to get into costume! Every day provides an opportunity to dress up. Of course, coming up with a clever, yet affordable idea for the kids can be a real challenge. Store-bought costumes are expensive, and not everyone is a Pinterest DIY expert.

We’ve come up with an easy DIY project that won’t break the budget. In just a matter of an hour or two, they will be transformed into their favorite Great Wolf Kids character—no expert crafting skills needed. Here’s how to make a DIY wolf tail:

1. Gather Your Tools

Here’s what you’ll need for this easy project!

  • 2 skeins of 100% acrylic yarn (These can be found at any craft store or major department store. We used a thicker yarn for a fluffier look!)
  • Scissors
  • Hair straightener (an iron works as well)
  • Hair brush

2. Make the Base

Measure nine strands of yarn about three inches longer than the desired length of the tail. Tie a knot in the end, but leave a loop instead of pulling all the way through. You will use this later to fasten your tail to clothing. Now, section the strands of yarn in to three groups of three and braid, stopping four inches before the end. Tie a knot. Do not cut off the excess. You will use this as the tip of the tail.

Hands holding yarn to make easy costume project]

3. Start Your Wolf Tail

Take your hair brush and gently brush apart the fibers of yarn left out of the braid in the previous step. There will be a lot of fiber left in the brush. Remove as needed. Once the fibers are brushed free (it will look like hair), take the hair straightener and run it through the fibers. They will look matted. Run the brush through the fibers again and the tip of your tail is complete!

Hands brushing DIY wolf tail for Halloween costume

4. Add More Fur

Measure and cut 10 pieces of yarn about eight inches long, and then measure a single piece about five inches long. Tie the five-inch piece around the middle of the group of 10.

Hands making easy Halloween costume project

Repeat this step for each side of the group of 10, leaving out the strands from the five-inch piece tied around the middle. Use these two shorter ends of the five-inch piece to fasten the fur to the base just above the last section of fur completed. Repeat this step, working your way up the base until the tail is completely full of fur. Fasten to a belt loop with a piece of yarn and your tail is complete!

Young kid in DIY kids wolf costume at Great Wolf Lodge

5. Show It Off!

Add Wiley or Violet’s outfit and Great Wolf Lodge wolf ears, and your DIY kids wolf costume is complete! Don’t forget to show us your paws-itively perfect Great Wolf Kids costumes on social media using #GreatWolfLodge, or tweet your pictures to @greatwolf.

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